DEOHS Newsroom

Health officials warn of spring swimming dangers
| KING 5 View

12 scientists kick off effort to boost grant-funding savvy
| UW Health Sciences NewsBeat View

Team Studies Health of Copper River Fishermen
| ASPPH Friday Letter View

More people are getting injured on treadmills
| Today View

UW Team Studies Copper River Gillnet Fishermen
| The Cordova (Alaska) Times View

UW event on April 29, 2015 to honor workers who died from job-related injuries or illnesses in Washington State
| DEOHS HSM Blog View

How pesticides can harm your health
| Toxic Free Talk Radio View

Team Aims to Illuminate Cause of Rare Blinding Disease
| HSNewsBeat View

Is The Food That's Good For You Good For The Environment?
| Yahoo! News View

Certified Naturally Grown: A New Way to Identify Pesticide-Free, Non-GMO Food
| Eco-watch View

Washington Finds Swab Test Holds Promise for Detecting Tuberculosis
| ASPPH Friday Letter View

Simple swab test holds promise to ease tuberculosis detection
| DEOHS newsletter | Featured: Gerard A. Cangelosi View

Evidence bears out predictive model of pesticides in diet: Lower pesticide metabolite levels seen in people who eat organic produce
| DEOHS HSM Blog View

Washington Paper Shares Lessons Learned from Prescription Opioid Epidemic
| ASPPH Friday Letter View

Grad student advises guardians of state's watersheds
| UW Health Sciences NewsBeat View