DEOHS Newsroom

Jeffrey Walls (MS student, Exposure Sciences) was awarded the 2011 Future Leader in EHS scholarship.
| EHS Today View

Hilary Zetlen received a Bonderman Travel Fellowship. Check out what she is doing with it on her blog.
| DEOHS HSM Blog View

PhD student Chad Weldy discusses the health effects of diesel exhaust.
| KGMI View

What you eat can kill you if you don't watch out
| Seattle Times View

Environmental Health Careers: Workplace Health Consulting
| Careers Out There View

NIOSH awards $1.45 million to UW research center dedicated to farming, fishing and forestry safety and health, future funding still in limbo
| DEOHS HSM Blog View

Boeing suit settlement stirs jetliner air safety debate
| View

DEOHS Award Winners
| DEOHS View

Study: BPA found on register receipts, dollar bills
| KOMO News View

Environmental exposure expert Sally Liu passed away on June 6
| Swiss TPH View

Breathing Uneasy: Air Pollution Crisis in South Seattle
| Investigate West View

Protecting kids from chemicals in the environment
| King 5 View

Student Research Day 2011
| DEOHS HSM Blog View

Pacific Northwest Center for Human Health and Ocean Studies is co-organizing the Algae and Human Health Symposium, July 15
| UW Today View

Sheela Sathyanarayana leads study, investigates relationship between mother's BPA exposures during pregnancy and infant's neurobehavioral abnormalities
| Medical News Today View