Sheldwin earned a doctorate degree in Exposure Science and a MS degree in Epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health; prior he also received a MPH at the University of New Mexico School of
Medicine. During his MPH studies, Sheldwin designed and developed an epidemiologic case-control study titled “Understanding Lung Cancer Risk among Navajo Former Uranium Miners”. For his dissertation, Sheldwin designed and developed an indoor radon prediction model for homes on the Navajo Nation. For this project, he designed a survey questionnaire for homes, collected indoor radon measurements, and geospatially mapped homes on the Navajo Nation. He then combined this information with geographic land covariates thought to be associated with indoor radon to develop an indoor radon prediction model. His goal in public health is to improve the health of all communities with a focus on disparate environmental exposures and disease rates among disadvantaged populations, specifically on American Indian/Alaska Native populations