Chemical hazards

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Gloves that significantly reduce the sense of touch, inhibit hand movement, and lack liquid protection canreduce workers' capabilities and create barriers to using protective equipment properly. Protective glovesunsuitable for the assigned task may be discarded, increasing the potential for skin exposure to chemical

Student Research Project |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent environmental contaminants that pose a significant public health risk including reproductive toxicity partly because they are endocrine disruptors. The lipophilic nature of PCBs increases the risk of developmental exposure due to placenta and breast milk transfer.

Student Research Project |
Anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems have developed into a dominating and formative force within coastal regions. One of the strongest influences within these coastal anthropogenic zones is the deposition and life cycle of marine plastic waste.

Student Research Project |
The use of chemical agents to eradicate pests and weeds is prevalent across both developing and developed countries, and it plays a crucial role in the agricultural sector by enhancing crop yields and minimizing losses.

Student Research Project |
Background: Asthma is a leading cause of childhood morbidity in the U.S. and a significant public health concern. The prenatal period is a critical window during which environmental influences, including maternal occupational exposures, can shape child respiratory health.

Student Research Project |
Background and Objectives: Dermal exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a likely pathway explaining elevated cancer risk in firefighters.


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