Student and Alumni Profiles

A woman in a hijab with eyes closed wearing traditional eyeliner.

Aesha Mokashi

Current student profile

MS (Thesis), Individualized Track (IND)

DEOHS MS student Aesha Mokashi works with King County and Afghan Health Initiative to reduce children’s lead exposure in local Afghan communities

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Alawode sits in an office in a clinic with a tapestry behind him.

Christopher Alawode

Current student profile

MPH, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM)

Dr. Christopher Alawode, DEOHS MPH student in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, helps workers stay healthy

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A man and woman stand together in front of a window.

Mariam Assaad

Current student profile

MPH, Individualized Track (IND)

DEOHS MPH student Mariam Assaad aims to reduce harmful bacteria in eyewash stations

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A man with glasses and a tan shirt poses between two evergreen shrubs.

Miguel Rojas-Flores

Current student profile

MS (Applied), Individualized Track (IND)

DEOHS master’s student Miguel Rojas-Flores leads behavior change assessment to improve farmworker health and safety

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Anika Rajput sits on a bench on the UW campus with greenery in the background.

Anika Rajput

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

DEOHS undergrad supports food safety efforts in internship with UW Environmental Health & Safety

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Boeing interns on UW campus

Graham Tewksbury

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Public Health (EPH)

DEOHS undergraduate student’s summer internship with Boeing sparks career interest in corporate environmental sustainability

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A man with dark hair and glasses stands in a radiation safety lab holding a sign that reads "Warning, Do not enter, Alignment in process. Class 4 laser"

Matthew Deinitchenko

Current student profile


DEOHS undergraduate student inspects lasers to keep lab workers safe from radiation

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A young woman in a black tank top sits at a table looking at a computer.

Xiaoyu Sun

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Public Health (EPH)

DEOHS undergraduate student builds tool to help prevent wastewater overflows

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two women holding balloons decorate an outdoor booth

Shivani Jain

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Public Health (EPH)

DEOHS undergraduate student develops training on how climate change and health inequities impact people with asthma

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