Student and Alumni Profiles

Screenshot of Cassady Surefleet from a video of her describing her internship experience

Cassady Surfleet

Past student profile

BS, Environmental Public Health (EPH)

Fast, chaotic, humbling: Protecting workers and the environment in rural Alaska

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A man wearing a white lab coat smiles while sitting next to two microscopes.

Joe Lim

Student Profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

Joe Lim honored for his academic performance and research on the impact of early life exposure to toxic chemicals on diabetes

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Claire Schollaert stands on the UW campus in front of trees and a metal sculpture.

Claire Schollaert

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

Claire Schollaert, the 2023 DEOHS Outstanding PhD Student, shows how forest management can improve community health by reducing wildfires

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Asheton Gilbertson smiles in front of a window of a brick building on UW campus.

Asheton Gilbertson

Current student profile

MS (Thesis), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

Asheton Gilbertson is the 2023 DEOHS Outstanding Master's Student

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a young woman with glasses wearing a white dress and a blue shirt stands near a flowering bush.

Bridget Ury

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Bridget Ury named 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Student by DEOHS and the UW School of Public Health

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Sarah Kim and Julia Cui stand in front of Sarah's research poster while throwing up peace signs.

Sarah Kim

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

DEOHS PhD student Sarah Kim studies how flame retardants in breast milk influence diabetes, obesity and more

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Sam Lovell stands on a rocky outcrop with mountain peaks and tents in the background.

Sam Lovell

Current student profile

MPH, Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

DEOHS MPH student Sam Lovell identifies barriers and opportunities to help states advance their climate and health work

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Becky Kann crouches atop snow-covered Mailbox Peak in Washington behind a mailbox.

Becky Kann

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

DEOHS PhD student Becky Kann explores how water infrastructure impacts health in Mozambique

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Kyle Kim smiles with ocean water and a rocky shoreline in the background.

Kyle Kim

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

DEOHS PhD student Kyle Kim investigates how chemical exposures influence the microbiome and health

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