Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

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Amalawa, Marissa and Hunt pose after Marissa accepted her award.

Helping students spread their wings

Assistant Professor Marissa Baker is the 2024 DEOHS Outstanding Faculty Mentor

| Deirdre Lockwood

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Three people with face masks on stand in front of a fence with houses in background. Person in middle holds a clipboard and pen, person on right gives a peace sign and is wearing a t-shirt that reads "SERVE LOCAL."

Our most-read stories of 2020

From COVID-19 to wildfire smoke: counting down our top stories from Health & Safety Matters, the DEOHS blog

Foundry workers operating heavy machinery

Field trips get a pandemic makeover

A UW instructor reinvents his class, combining ingenuity with virtual reality to let his students experience site visits to industrial workplaces

Person in parking lot loading a bag of rolls into the back of a car filled with boxes and bags of food, including a box of Washington apples.

Going hungry in the pandemic

Many in Washington state don’t have enough to eat, according to DEOHS researchers and partners surveying food access

A man tests the fit of a face mask being modeled by a student.

New gift will create modern lab and research spaces

Omenn-Darling 50th anniversary gift to DEOHS and the UW School of Public Health will transform environmental health research


Two men in face masks carry a tall ladder standing six feet apart.

Co-creating COVID-19 messages for farmworkers

Funding from the UW Population Health Initiative jump-started efforts by DEOHS and our partners, working side-by-side with farmworkers, to create tailored safety messages

A man lays his cheek against a water buffalo while holding a harness.

Stopping animal-to-human disease transmission

DEOHS Professor Elaine Faustman will lead risk analysis and communication for new $100 million USAID initiative



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