Student and Alumni Profiles

Kassie Olin

Kassie Olin

Past student profile

MS (Applied), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

Kassie Olin graduated with a BA in Public Health-Global Health from UW in 2020, and then went on to pursue an MS in Applied

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Belen Salguero stands in front of a wall mural showing Denver skyline with text: "Denver Public Health & Environment. Empowering Denver's Communities to Live Better, Longer"

Belen Salguero

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Environmental Health major delves into public health in Denver through the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program

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Greta Gunning stands smiling in a JRCOSTEP uniform in front of a sign reading "Zuni Reservation. You are Entering Zuni-Land. Welcome"

Prioritizing relationships in public health

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Environmental health major interns with Indian Health Service through program sponsored by US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

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Portrait of Isabel Nerenberg smiling and sitting in a chair.

Isabel Nerenberg

Current student profile

MS (Thesis), Environmental Health (EH)

DEOHS MS student wins Castner Award to support research with communities engaged in coastal relocation

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Claire Schollaert sits on a bench on the UW campus.

Claire Schollaert

Student Profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

DEOHS PhD student wins Castner Award to support air quality research on prescribed burns

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Diana Marquez stands in front of an enclosure of cows at a dairy farm with a notebook in her hands.

Diana Marquez

Current student profile

MS (Applied), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

DEOHS master's student in Occupational Hygiene interns with Washington State Department of Labor & Industries in the Yakima Valley

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Closeup photo of Everetta Rasyid smiling, wearing a brown hijab outside.

Everetta Rasyid

Student Profile

MS (Applied), Applied Toxicology (App Tox)

DEOHS master's student in Applied Toxicology screens printing chemicals for safety as an intern with HP

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Photo of a man giving a thumbs up at the summit of a mountain.

Aaron Bentson-Royal

Past student profile

MS (Applied), Applied Toxicology (App Tox)

DEOHS master's student in Applied Toxicology interns with EPA Superfund and Emergency Management

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Photo of Shelley Stephan smiling outside with plants in the background.

Shelley Stephan

Past student profile

MS (Thesis), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

DEOHS Outstanding Master’s Student Shelley Stephan shows how marginalized workers carry the greatest burden of occupational exposures

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