Student and Alumni Profiles

A young man with glasses and wearing a white lab coat holds bouquets of flowers and is surrounded by his family.

Troy Yi

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Public Health (EPH)

A BS in Environmental Health laid the foundation for Dr. Troy Yi’s career as a pediatrician

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Bruk Molla stands in a white doctor's coat in front of the UW "W" sculpture.

Bruk Molla

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

How majoring in Environmental Health prepared DEOHS BS alum Bruk Molla for medical school

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Photo of Calvin Terada

Calvin Terada

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Calvin Terada earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health in 1994 and now works as Director of the Superfund & Emergency Manage

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Photo of Yasmin Everson

Yasmin Everson

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Yasmin Everson earned her B.S. in Environmental Health in 2018. She completed her internship at Sound Transit and after graduation joined Amazon as an EHS Specialist. Now, she joined the Amazon Technical Academy, where she plans to integrate her passions for public health and software development.

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Photo of Ryan Kouchakji

Ryan Kouchakji

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Ryan Kouchakji earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health in 2017 and is now in his second year at the UW School of Medicine M.D.

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Photo of Vy Tran

Vy Tran

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Vy Tran, '16, was driven to study environmental health after seeing how work in a tofu factory took a toll on her mother's mental and physical health. Today she's making an impact as an occupational health worker.

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Photo of Sara Mar

Sara Mar

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Sara Mar graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Health in 2017 and now works as a CDC’s Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) Fellow.

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Photo of Anisa Ghadrshenas

Anisa Ghadrshenas

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Anisa Ghadrshenas, 2008 BS Environmental Health graduate, uses the analytical foundation from her coursework to develop policies with the World Health Organization.

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Photo of Ali Everhart

Ali Everhart

Alumni Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Ali Everhart uses the knowledge and experience she gained as an Environmental Health major to provide environmental and public health services to fifteen tribes throughout southwest Alaska.

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