Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

Featured Story

Closeup of Dr. Jeremy Hess in profile holding a microphone with one hand and holding out his other hand.

Protecting health in a changing climate

DEOHS researchers partner with communities to save lives from extreme heat and climate-related disasters

| Kate Stringer

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Latest Stories

A child care provider sits on the floor raising her hand and smiling with a circle of preschoolers watching.

Caring for the caregivers

Changes in wage could make a difference in the health of child-care providers, according to new research led by DEOHS and the UW School of Public Health

UW Lecturer Yona Sipos gestures to students standing near raised gardening beds at the UW Farm.ities of food systems through hands-on activities at the UW Farm. Photo: Elizar Mercado.

From harvest to health

DEOHS Lecturer Yona Sipos deconstructs food systems while teaching students to see the big picture

A serving of fish tacos with fresh vegetables.

Getting fish to the table

A UW study maps West Coast hot spots where surplus fish could help meet nutrition needs in vulnerable communities

Woman smiling at camera.

Well water safety

In Washington’s Yakima Valley, a DEOHS student taps the power of community to help improve access to safe water

Lianne and Rachel at the presentation

Leading by example

Professor Lianne Sheppard selected as DEOHS outstanding faculty mentor

A group of students look at a research poster.

UW research showcase

School of Public Health event features DEOHS undergraduate research on wildfire smoke, cannabis grow-ops and other public health issues



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