Student and Alumni Profiles

Student profile photo of Rico Gonzalez

Rico Gonzalez

Past student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

As an intern with the Port Angeles Health Department, Rico Gonzalez surveyed community members and local organizations to understand what information they needed about the health risks posed by wildfire smoke.

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A woman looks at scientific equipment in the back seat of a car.

Magali Blanco

Student Profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

First-of-its-kind study led by DEOHS uses car-mounted sensors to map exposure to Seattle traffic pollution—and reveal its possible link to dementia

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Student in a white lab coat working in a lab. 

Joseph Dempsey

Past student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

DEOHS student Joe Dempsey—the UW School of Public Health’s new Magnuson Scholar—studies how the gut microbiome shapes human health and disease

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Headshot of Rachel Shaffer

Rachel Shaffer

Past student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

April 4 is Husky Giving Day! Your gift supports DEOHS students like Rachel Shaffer, whose research on the health effects of toxic chemicals is drawing international attention

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Three DEOHS students smiling with their arms around one another.

Erica Grant

Alumni Profile

MPH, One Health (ONE)

Recent DEOHS graduate finds there’s no substitute for “getting your boots dirty” through experiences in the field

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A young woman wearing a gray sweater smiles against a backdrop of trees.

Brianna Willis

Past student profile

MPH, One Health (ONE)

Brianna Willis, SPH master’s fellowship winner, forges a new path in One Health

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Headshot of Claire Pendergrast standing in front of a blurry leafy background.  Photo: Elizar Mercado

Claire Pendergrast

Past student profile

MPH, Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

DEOHS student Claire Pendergrast explores health equity, disaster resilience among older adults

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Miriam Caulkins tests samples on-site in an orchard.  Photo: Jose Carmona.

Miriam Calkins

Student Profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

Award-winning DEOHS student studies the risks outdoor laborers face with rising temperatures

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Close up of UW student Natalia Kowalchuk's hands holding a soldering iron as she builds an air monitor in a lab. Photo: Kayla Cayton.

Graeme Carvlin

Past student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

Innovative air-quality monitor developed by DEOHS student provides communities with real-time data at lower cost

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