Student and Alumni Profiles

Student profile photo of Daira Melendez

Daira Melendez

Past student profile

MPH, Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

Daira Melendez became interested in environmental public health during a study abroad in the Galapagos Islands as an undergraduate.

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Student profile photo of Hailey Steichen

Hailey Steichen

Past student profile

MS (Applied), Applied Toxicology (App Tox)

Hailey Steichen became interested in toxicology as an undergraduate while researching heavy metal deposits in areas that receive all their water and nutrients from precipitation.

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Woman smiling at camera.

Kori VanDerGeest

Past student profile

MPH, Environmental Health (EH)

In Washington’s Yakima Valley, a DEOHS student taps the power of community to help improve access to safe water

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Woman smiling at camera.

Amanda Durkin

Past student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

UW student-athlete goes deep inside communities affected by wildfire smoke to understand the health risks

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Woman smiling at camera.

Annie Doubleday

Past student profile

MPH, Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

DEOHS student Annie Doubleday honored by the UW School of Public Health for her leadership potential and public health contributions

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Two people standing at a podium, one holding a gavel.

Trevor Peckham

Past student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

DEOHS student turns research into action by helping to shape worker safety policies in the Washington State Legislature

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Student profile photo of Jessica Porter, MS-ES

Jessica Porter

Past student profile

MS (Thesis), Exposure Science (ES)

Jessica Porter's passion to create safer workplaces began after losing a family member in a work-related incident.

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Student profile photo of Alison Kline, MS-EH

Alison Kline

Past student profile

MS (Thesis), Environmental Health (EH)

Alison Kline hopes her research on poliovirus will help improve surveillance efforts in places like Pakistan, where the virus is still endemic.

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Portrait of woman smiling

Kholood Altassan

Past student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

By tackling infectious disease in her native Saudi Arabia, this DEOHS student is breaking new research ground

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