Student and Alumni Profiles

A woman smiles, standing in front of green shrubs and trees.

Rachel Shaffer

Student Profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

From air pollution to toxic chemicals in our food systems, DEOHS doctoral student Rachel Shaffer is translating her research into better health

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A young woman wearing a lab coat and safety goggles stands in a University of Washington laboratory.

On the job | Scyler Li

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Promoting safe laboratory practices at the UW

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A woman kneels on a grassy lawn next to health department signage.

On the job | Suhani Patel

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Protecting community health through pool inspections and mosquito control

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A young man with a hardhat looks into the camera.

On the job | Zakary Reimann

Student Profile

MS (Applied), Applied Occupational Hygiene (App OH)

Using video technology to document chemical exposures

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A young woman sits at a computer work station.

On the job | Jennifer Kim

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Protecting worker health and safety through workplace inspections

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Woman smiling at camera.

On the job | Mariah Dittmore

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Enjoying the fast pace at a global engineering and design company

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Hannah on-site for her summer internship

On the job | Hannah Echt

Student Profile

MS (Thesis), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

Promoting safe workplaces and making professional connections

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Jenny in front of a canyon

On the job | Jenny Pak

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Serving the health needs of the Navajo Nation

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girl in hardhat

On the job | Angela Zhu

Student Profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Getting hands-on at local businesses and asking questions in the field

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