Student and Alumni Profiles

Sarah Kim and Julia Cui stand in front of Sarah's research poster while throwing up peace signs.

Sarah Kim

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

DEOHS PhD student Sarah Kim studies how flame retardants in breast milk influence diabetes, obesity and more

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Sam Lovell stands on a rocky outcrop with mountain peaks and tents in the background.

Sam Lovell

Current student profile

MPH, Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

DEOHS MPH student Sam Lovell identifies barriers and opportunities to help states advance their climate and health work

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Becky Kann crouches atop snow-covered Mailbox Peak in Washington behind a mailbox.

Becky Kann

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

DEOHS PhD student Becky Kann explores how water infrastructure impacts health in Mozambique

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Kyle Kim smiles with ocean water and a rocky shoreline in the background.

Kyle Kim

Current student profile

PhD, Environmental Toxicology (Tox)

DEOHS PhD student Kyle Kim investigates how chemical exposures influence the microbiome and health

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Kassie Olin

Kassie Olin

Past student profile

MS (Applied), Occupational Hygiene (OH)

Kassie Olin graduated with a BA in Public Health-Global Health from UW in 2020, and then went on to pursue an MS in Applied

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Belen Salguero stands in front of a wall mural showing Denver skyline with text: "Denver Public Health & Environment. Empowering Denver's Communities to Live Better, Longer"

Belen Salguero

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Environmental Health major delves into public health in Denver through the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program

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Photo of Esther Min sitting in a chair smiling.

Esther Min

Alumni Profile

PhD, Environmental and Occupational Hygiene (EOHY)

Washington State Public Health Association honors Min for her efforts to champion equity and undo racism

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Greta Gunning stands smiling in a JRCOSTEP uniform in front of a sign reading "Zuni Reservation. You are Entering Zuni-Land. Welcome"

Prioritizing relationships in public health

Current student profile

BS, Environmental Health (EH)

Environmental health major interns with Indian Health Service through program sponsored by US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

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Portrait of Isabel Nerenberg smiling and sitting in a chair.

Isabel Nerenberg

Current student profile

MS (Thesis), Environmental Health (EH)

DEOHS MS student wins Castner Award to support research with communities engaged in coastal relocation

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