Viviana AlbánPhD, Environmental Health SciencesHometownAmbato, EcuadorFuture plansPursuing an academic position in environmental health in Ecuador.“I have found so much support through my adviser, but also from the postdocs, PhD students, staff and collaborators in her lab.”
Children's Health
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Groceries were the most common expense reported as hard to afford in the past month, followed by housing, according to the latest WAFOOD survey.
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DEOHS Assistant Professor Diana Ceballos.
“Get home safe” is one of the most commonly stated goals in worker health and safety.
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Maegan ChuaBS in Environmental Public HealthHometownKetchikan, AKInternship with:Public Health – Seattle & King County
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Despite efforts to stamp it out, tuberculosis (TB) is still one of most deadly infectious diseases worldwide, leading to 1.5 million deaths a year. Part of the challenge in combating this preventable, treatable disease is that only about half to two-thirds of people with TB are diagnosed. The other third often don’t know they are sick and can spread the disease.
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If you’re pregnant, you may want to think twice before making a hamburger run or reaching for a prepackaged pastry, according to research published last month in the journal Environmental International.
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Enrolling now for winter quarter: Environmental Health 111, our introductory class
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Aesha Mokashi
MS, Environmental Health Sciences
Portland, OR
Future plans
Working as an environmental health scientist with King County and internationally.
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As a young woman, Diana Ceballos spent Saturdays volunteering with impoverished children living in a neighborhood built on top of a garbage dump in her native Medellin, Colombia.
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When Bruk Molla first came to the UW as an undergraduate, he was searching for the perfect premed major. He considered several options, but struggled to find exactly what he was looking for: a field with direct impact on people’s lives. Then he discovered the Environmental Health major in the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS).
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Dr. Catherine Karr completed years of specialty training in pediatrics and can’t recall ever being taught about the issue of lead poisoning, which causes neurodevelopmental issues in children.
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Breathing wildfire smoke poses a health risk to people of all ages, not just young children and older adults, according to new research from the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) and colleagues at Seattle Children’s.
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Could studying how zebrafish swim help uncover a cure for autism? Yijie Geng thinks so.
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Learn more in our interactive feature: "At every age, cleaner air means better health."
It’s not just textbooks and homework woes that unite schoolkids of the sunny Yakima Valley with their counterparts in rainy Seattle’s urban neighborhoods.
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Thomas BurbacherProfessor, UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health SciencesProudest achievements:Making discoveries in toxicology and seeing how research is used for public health protection, engaging with communities and teaching undergraduatesJoined DEOHS faculty:1991
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Two teams of researchers from the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciencs (DEOHS) and their partners recently received grants from the UW Population Health Initiative for projects focusing on supporting healthy home environments in Washington’s Yakima Valley and understanding the connections between community-based land management and disease outbreaks in Brazil.
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Sarah Kim recently won the prestigious Carl Smith Graduate Student Award at the 2023 meeting of the Society of Toxicology.
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For her many contributions to assessing the risk of chemical hazards, Elaine Faustman has been awarded the 2023 Arnold J.
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Affording food is such a challenge in Washington state that residents who experience food insecurity say their grocery bills are their biggest source of financial stress, more so than paying for rent or utilities.
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Last year, two treasured members of the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) community passed away: Emeritus Professors Jane Koenig and Daniel Luchtel.
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2022 was a year of growth, change and global recognition for the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS), which secured top rankings in US News & World Report’s Best Global Universities 2022-2023 survey.
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Lucio CostaProfessor, UW Department of Environmental & Occupational HealthProudest achievements:Research he led with others on PBDEs (flame-retardant chemicals) that may act as developmental neurotoxicants, and his work on two enzymes known as paraoxonases (PON1 and PON2) that possess antioxidant properties and may protect against some health c
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For Esther Min, the most effective public health science starts with listening to the needs of communities.
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Greta Gunning
BS, Environmental Health
Seattle, WA
Future plans
A career as a public health scientist, likely at a public agency
“It was great to see how prioritizing relationships could make a meaningful impact in public health.”
- Greta Gunning
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Register now for Joseph Allen's Nov. 3 talk: "Healthy Buildings: The Nexus of COVID, Climate and Worker Health"
As director of Harvard’s Healthy Buildings Program, Joseph Allen often invites people to take their age and multiply it by 0.9.
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“Have you ever been working in the field and been unable to see the sun because of smoke?”
At a recent outreach event for farmworker families in Central Washington, participants were asked questions like this one about the challenges they face during wildfire smoke season, with an invitation to raise their hands when they agreed.
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Although much of what he researches is practically invisible to the eye—air pollution particles 30 to 700 times thinner than a strand of human hair—UW Professor Tim Larson’s contributions to the field of environmental engineering can be easily seen.
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Air pollution is not just a problem for lungs. Increasingly, research suggests air pollution can influence childhood behavioral problems and even IQ. A new study led by UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) researchers has added evidence showing that both prenatal and postnatal exposure to air pollution can harm kids.